Can anybody tell me whats supposed to be great about the UK?
2007-02-14 03:32:33 UTC
Can anybody tell me whats supposed to be great about the UK?
195 answers:
2007-02-14 06:44:07 UTC
Being British is about driving a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on a Japanese T.V.

The best thing of all, only in Britain can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance

Only in Britain do the Supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of store to get there prescriptions while healthy people can get there cigarettes at the front of the store

Only in Britain do people order Double Cheese Burgers, Large Fries, and a Diet Coke

Only in Britain do banks leave both doors wide open but chain the pens to the counter

Only in Britain do we leave cars worth thousands on the drive and lock our junk in the garage

Only in Britain do we put disabled parking spaces in front of a skating rink


Respect Dekker

p.s. If any one wants a copy of this email me with your email address and i will forward it to you:)
2007-02-14 16:13:53 UTC
Well we have the fourth richest economy in the world, but Blair is giving it away to the Eastern Europeans.

We had the largest commonwealth in the world. What is the saying, the sun never sets on the British empire that was.

We have invented the most widely spoken second language to our detriment, as we have so many Eastern Europeans wanting to come and learn our language and get paid 4-5 times more than what they would in their own country.

What is great about Britain is what it once was, Admiral William Penn founded with Captain Venables Jamaica, most places in Jamaica are named after places in Britain. Admiral Penn son founded Pennsylvania and two other states in America.

Vancouver was named after a captain that came from Kings Lynn in Britain,

A whole country was named after a man called Cecil Rhodes and he was British. Captain cook had an importance on the history of Australia and 70% of Australians and New Zealanders have British ancestry, and so it goes on. The British Quakes started the industrial revolution, Britain was the first industrial country.

So basically Britain was a great country, but it still keeps the name even though it isn't so great these days, as it is going down hill in everyway.

Check out the empire on the web and the industrial revolution.

What is supposed to be great about the UK, is what it was, not were it is going.
2014-07-19 23:21:42 UTC
Beans, Bangers And Mash, Fish And Chips, Bangers Beans And Mash, Fish Chips And Beans, English Breakfast (Beans, Sousage, Hash Browns, Backon, Tomatos, Fried Toast, Ect.), Curry-Houses, Cheap Flights To The Rest Of Europe, British Women, Any Other Kind Of Women 'Cos Everyone Emigrates Here, The Most Powerful Currensy In The World, The Prospect Of Leaving, Leagly Gay Marrige,
2007-02-14 11:24:11 UTC
I saw a times on line bill board which stated. 'If Britain were a person would it be sectioned'. I thought that was quite funny.

Anyway London has been my home since 2005 and I will be leaving in 2008. I enjoy the restaurants, the shopping, bus rides, parks etc.

There are also lots and lots of things I dislike as well most of all the untidiness (poo, garbage and spitting in the streets) and the fact that the government seems to bleed the working people of their money more and more.

I don't understand why people who are able to work stay home and claim benefits. I got a job and a good job within 7 months of living here (I am here legally).

I am happy to be here for the experience but also happy that it is not my permanent home.

I think all the taxes/charges present and proposed are very harsh especially since salaries are not moving at all or at the same pace.

It is home for the time being and I make the most of it and enjoy the positive things.
2007-02-14 07:31:06 UTC
Politicians are the only ones that can tell you what is still great about the UK. Notice, it used to be referred to as Great Britain, the Great has been dropped, and now it is the UK (a different entity to Britain, but that's semantics in everyday parlance.)

But a question politicians should be asking is why so many Brits are retiring or moving to France, Spain, Australia, inter alia. The reason has been hit on already, but I can't afford another violation.

But England are the holders of the World Cup Rugby title, and are still in with a chance for the 6-Nations. But that's only part of the UK, and small consolation.......
2007-02-17 14:10:48 UTC
I have lived in a few places in the world and I do say that Britain is a great place and I intend staying here. . The crime and the tax system worries the hell out of me but I will never bad mouth the UK. Your question is what is great about it. For a little tiny country it has an amazing amount going for it. Lovely scenery, fairly full employment, a good educational system and it is a wealthy country. You can come here with nothing and work hard and be as rich as Dick Whittington in no time. It is a country of opportunity
bee bee
2007-02-15 03:48:59 UTC
A country is great if its people and politicians want it to be. I grew up in Ireland and was always told to be proud of where I'm from, its why Irish traditions still hold very strong, like Paddy's day and the music and dance. The UK, and England in particular don't seem to have that pride, and any one who did was seen as almost fascist, IE its only in the last decade that St Georges cross flag has become so prevalent..

Having said all that it's like the English are beginning to delight in their Englishness, but can only do it by being aggressive. (my opinion only).

Never apologise for being who you are, and the only thing that makes a place great is its people.
Oel Pezlo
2007-02-14 07:13:35 UTC
Beans, Bangers And Mash, Fish And Chips, Bangers Beans And Mash, Fish Chips And Beans, English Breakfast (Beans, Sousage, Hash Browns, Backon, Tomatos, Fried Toast, Ect.), Curry-Houses, Cheap Flights To The Rest Of Europe, British Women, Any Other Kind Of Women 'Cos Everyone Emigrates Here, The Most Powerful Currensy In The World, The Prospect Of Leaving, Leagly Gay Marrige,

Do You Want Me To Go On?

Oh And The Beatles As Well.
2014-10-27 11:05:08 UTC
Whats not great (putting it lightly) are the immigrants, the bums and the losers who live on nothing but benefits and the seeming inevitability that if you need anywhere to live on earth, we seem to be willing to provide it.

I love my country, i love pubs, i love tea, i love sunday roasts, i love everything about it, however, I hate what it has become due to our innate attempts to please everyone. And as most people on here are Americans, im gonna go with that you are too...

So maybe you should be grateful that you exist? Cause without us, you wouldn't and ive actually recently found out, that the only reason you wanted independance wasnt because of high taxes, in fact you were being taxed less than half what we were at the time, you just wanted a govern
Mr X
2007-02-14 08:25:07 UTC
The great thing about the UK is its history. Great Britain a tiny island that is totally insignificant however it had the strength and power to build an empire that at its peak controlled one quarter of the worlds surface. The tiny nation was even respected by Hitler whose favourite film was about the British conquest of India. Britain unlike America has history that goes further than 100 years. Britain has a monarchy and many great buildings.
2007-02-15 01:33:50 UTC
It is very simple ,

Where on this planet can you live, like you can in UK

the answer is no where ,UK is the only country who live in harmony with it's Multi-culture society ,people from all

over the world are living in UK with their languages ,cultures

,every thing intact to do with their own ways without loosing any of their identity and still live in UK as a British citizens ,,
2007-02-14 10:10:10 UTC
The fact that You have been provided with:

1) the income to own a computer,

2) the education that enables you to use it,

3) the freedom to slag off the country's institutions (and its government),

4) the fact that you are in law innocent until prooved guilty (despite the disproportionate fuss the media make),

5) the fact that we have a free (if sometimes misguided press)

6) the fact that you still have a health service which is Free at the point of delivery (again, this is true despite the sensationalist media) and will save even Your life even if you're stupid enough to smoke or drink yourself to ruin.

7) that we have given the world its first and true lingua franca (despite the Americans' efforts to mangle it) and

9) that You have the leisure time to indulge in such ill thought out snide remarks as your question infers.

Having said that, I believe that these freedoms are under creeping threat from this government. We must be vigilant but just whining won't help - use your vote.
2007-02-14 07:53:31 UTC
Well what's great is it's people, it's history, it's traditions and it's scenery.

Whats not great (putting it lightly) are the immigrants, the bums and the losers who live on nothing but benefits and the seeming inevitability that if you need anywhere to live on earth, we seem to be willing to provide it.

I love my country, i love pubs, i love tea, i love sunday roasts, i love everything about it, however, I hate what it has become due to our innate attempts to please everyone. And as most people on here are Americans, im gonna go with that you are too...

So maybe you should be grateful that you exist? Cause without us, you wouldn't and ive actually recently found out, that the only reason you wanted independance wasnt because of high taxes, in fact you were being taxed less than half what we were at the time, you just wanted a government that wasnt an atlantic ocean distance away.

I believe our country has only gone to **** due to our lack of control and "political correctness" getting in the way of common sense.
2014-11-06 14:56:40 UTC
a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on a Japanese T.V.

The best thing of all, only in Britain can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance

Only in Britain do the Supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of store to get there prescriptions while healthy people can get there cigarettes at the front of the store

Only in Britain do people order Double Cheese Burgers, Large Fries, and a Diet Coke

Only in Britain do banks leave both doors wide open but chain the pens to the counter

Only in Britain do we leave cars worth thousands on the drive
2016-03-29 10:02:18 UTC
Hi, well I have lived in Welly all my life & I love it here. It has a very strong cultural & arts background. There is always a huge variety of shows & events on. Its pretty cruisy & not as yuppified as Auckland even though it is the capital of New Zealand. It has a really great public transport system so u never really need a car to get around. Also big on its sporting culture with the TSB Arena & the Westpac trust stadium. Cuba st in the central part of wgtn is known for its street entertainers & laid back atmosphere. Theres always something happening. Hope this helps.
2007-02-14 18:05:50 UTC
I think the only thing that's good about modern Britain is... err, it's history and heritage.

Humour used to be one o the great things, and it still is, but today, it looks like that's being eroded by political correctness and paronoia.

I think today's report on children is perhaps only the tip of the iceberg, with kids taking exams as soon as they leave the cot. As if that weren't enough, many are brought into the world as a result of teenage pregnancy, which is often a life of instability and poverty, which is probably one of the main issues in that case.

And sticking to that UNICEF report, we scored highly on 'health and safety'... no ****. Bear in mind this is a country where playing conkers is judged to be deadly. This country is run not by Tony Blair as you'd imagine but by the health And Safety Executive and it's hi-vis-jacket-clad jobsworths.

Not to mention the other government jobsworths, the state of our roads, the crime, the rubbish education, you name it.

To be fair, it could be far, far worse, but of course, we are the 4th richest country, and surely, we can do much better than this.
2007-02-14 13:52:52 UTC
It's home. I've lived in other parts of the world and I've always came back because I feel at home with my friends and family. I have a well paid job, my wages in another counrtry would mean I'm practically rich! I feel safe and looked after, If I lost my job I could get benefits. There is the NHS to look after me and my family (though I would pay out my pocket if I had to wait too long for something serious to be seen to). We are very advanced technologically and medically, we have alot of intelligent workers and students who help this country bloom (thank you Mr Dyson!) and people want to live here because we have a decent education system for their children.

It may not the best and safest country to live in because the chavs bring us down and those who fraud the system rip us hard workers off, but at the end of the day, due to politcal correctness, we are safe, looked after, and we are home.
world traveller
2007-02-14 08:45:31 UTC
I had typed an answer based on over three decades of personal experience but then I remembered that freedom of speech had been removed for the indiginous population and so I cannot say what I know and feel. Suffice to say that this is not the UK in which my parents and I grew up in and that there is now nothing whatsoever great about it at all, and that my pride in being British has long since been destroyed.
2014-06-30 07:55:30 UTC
The Clifton Suspension Bridge, Isle of Mull Cheddar (delicious), Brancaster Beach, Pinewood Shepperton Film Studios, Pall Mall and Green Park, Ben Nevis and the view from its summit, Sgwd yr Eira in Wales (a waterfall you can walk behind), a train journey over the Settle Carlise Railway, the person who ran after me and handed me my wallet that I had dropped who reaffirmed my belief there are decent people in the UK, the kids who helped my mum up when she fell over on the snow
jasbir h
2007-02-14 11:35:57 UTC
Here's the straight dope -- from an immigrant himself. The UK has so much to offer it's overwhelming:

1. It's got a rich history and culture, and contrary to the right-wing press, a mostly free, open and democratic society. The British, above all nations I've lived in (7) have the most tolerant, open-minded approaches I've seen.

2. An intelligent populace: - By and large people know about themselves, the world and the issues that are facing them. They are not sheep, they think critically, they aim to reason. They believe in benefit-of-doubt and they are not afraid to argue or stand out.

3. A super education system: - I might be biased having done my undergraduate and PhD here, but in comparison to the US Msc I did I found the work (in my field -- compsci) was much more theoretical with an emphasis on creative thinking rather than skill gathering. The education system seems to emphasis creativity and free thinking.

4. A sense of fair-play: - By and large, I am judged and valued on my contribution to society rather than who I am, who my parents know and what my religious affiliation may be.

5. A great well of talent: - Take ANY field in the world from basket weaving to theoretical physics. Any weird hobby from teacup-holding to sausage manufacture and you'll find British people who know what they're doing and are very good at it. I'm constantly AMAZED at how a country so steeped in bad weather continues to produce all the sporting talent it has. Academically and business fields follow similar trends and patterns.

6. A sense of social justice: - Yes, the much maligned social-security system places a burden on the taxpayer but I also like the fact that a little-old-lady with no family and a dwiddling pension can get some state assistance to make her life livable as opposed to the "too bad you didn't plan/don't have family/don't have healthcare" answers that seem to be accepted in other countries.

7. Balance of ambition and social values: If I could summarise the UK's work ethic in one sentence it would be "play hard, work harder". They enjoy their ale, but they enjoy the competition of work as well. Suits me just fine.

But hey, don't mind me, I'm just another "dirty immigrant".
2007-02-14 09:40:58 UTC
You are free. You can criticise the government or the monarchy without being arrested and tortured. If you are over 18, not insane or in prison, you ca vote. The UK is enjoying the longest period of prosperity in the recorded economic history. Most people are not affected by crime. Housing is, generally good. Unless you read the Daily Mail you can be optimistic about the future. By comparison, there is little chance of you being killed y a terrorist or an enemy. Prices are stable in the shops, inflation is low, average wages are good. If you lived in the late 60's and early 70's you will recognise industrial stability. Prices are generally stable and goods are varied and plentiful. Baby Boomer recognise when they are well off, believe me, we have seen the rough times!
2007-02-14 09:52:00 UTC
It goes back to the so called Dark Ages when there were two Britains Less Britain now in what is now France and Great Britain these islands. I get tied of telling people this especially British people.
2014-09-25 13:25:29 UTC
good about modern Britain is... err, it's history and heritage.

Humour used to be one o the great things, and it still is, but today, it looks like that's being eroded by political correctness and paronoia.

I think today's report on children is perhaps only the tip of the iceberg, with kids taking exams as soon as they leave the cot. As if that weren't enough, many are brought i
2007-02-14 13:25:42 UTC
Proudly paying the highest taxes, producing oil but selling oil products more expensively to the people who supposedly own it, fish and chips, having a right wing labour givernment about to be replaced by a left wing conservative government, miles and miles of motorway cones on perfectly good stretches of motorway to remind us why road tax is extorionate and still in Mr Browns sights for increase. Having a multi cultural society in which every group hates the other, even at government level.

And being the USA's best buddy 'cos of our 'special retationship' as teachers pet.
2007-02-14 11:49:51 UTC
I am 55 .Sorry to say there`s not much great about in now.

I would`nt have said that a year ago but I am getting disillusioned

about everything.I don`t blame any family emigrating for a better life.

I lived abroad for 4 years in the 80`s and longed to return home .

The only good thing is that my loved ones are here
Peter S
2007-02-14 13:24:43 UTC
It,s the people who make the uk what it is or should I say was like me reading some of the comments on this subject you are sick of been **** on by the government all the rubbish they are letting in to the uk whooo must be careful or i will get in trouble they can say what they like about us but god forbid if we try to say what we are thinking we should all rise up and get rid of Mr Blare and all his no good ministers and lets get some pride back in the UK and make it the best not the rubbish tip of all the crap that no one wants
2007-02-15 05:22:21 UTC
My Britain

Cornish pasties, Devon cream,Yorkshire pudding, Suffolk bream

Scottish whisky, Cheddar Cheese, Lancashire hot-pot, Earl Grey teas

West Country scrumpy, Shepherd’s Pie, Blackberry crumble, Drambuie from Skye

Kentish apples, tomatoes from Jersey, salmon in rivers (not the Mersey)

Cumberland sausages, Dover sole, Bakewell tarts, toad-in-the-hole,

Welsh Bara Brith, English booze, Scottish smokies, Irish stews

Whitby crab, Lamberhurst wine, Kate and Sydney, cockney rhyme,

Hereford Cider, Worcester sauce, fish and chips, Ramsden of course

Ploughman’s lunch, a pair of kippers, mussels, cockles, whelks, crab’s nippers.

Eat it once, forever smitten, it’s the food and drink that puts Great in Britain
Martin D
2007-02-15 03:54:34 UTC
When you've lived abroard for any length of time and i've been in the usa 7 years now, it's not so different in a lot of ways to here, but here is not home, the great part of it all is that it is home for all its faults and good parts, i wish i could get a decent pub here!
2007-02-15 03:20:44 UTC
I can turn on a tap and get water. I can always get food for me and my family. Hardly any natural disasters. Even when you are born poor you can make something of your life. There is a lot more great things in the UK.
2007-02-14 23:22:51 UTC
In my opinion Margaret Thatcher started the rot, at the time I was so delighted that we had a woman running the country at last that I gave my kids a rise in pocket money, what a fool. She sold off everything that wasn't nailed down to the highest bidder God knows where all that money of ours went,she sucked up to Reagan which was the start of our Americanisation,she did nothing for her fellow women and had the cheek to think she was another Churchill because of the war with Argentina. What a mess and that was the start of the rot, you can't blame people coming to live hear they have always done that and we should be grateful,as people are leaving this sinking ship by the liner full and it seems Spain is the new Great Britain. HELP!!!
2007-02-14 07:24:59 UTC
it depends in what context you are aiming the question.

if it is why does every one want to come here to live then its the nhs and dole that does it. all the things that people get for free without having to have worked for it. there are so many good things but they mainly help non-workers who have no intention of working, not because they cant work, because they dont want to and dont have other commitments such as young children who need looking after. (the cost of child care makes it hard to go to work)

or do you mean the lovely sights such as london eye and the london dome, the dales all the other nice places to visit and the lovely sunny days (1week a
2007-02-14 10:37:50 UTC
Britain is great because we invented the rest of the world, we ruled until the rulers fu*cked up, we gave America back to the yanks ( George III ) we populated Australia with Scum criminals and look how it turned out. Yes we are overun by immigrants but you have to ask why they come here, because Britain IS Great, e allow freedom even if it means danger to ourselves, because that is the way it should be.
2007-02-14 07:49:22 UTC
Isn't it great every one answers the oppisitite of the questionI

I like London - Big Ben, London Eye, Shopping, night life, mix of people from all over.

I like Brighton on a summer weekend.

I like that I never have to walk more then 10 mins in any town to find the nearest pub.

I like the fact we have one of the best football leagues in the world I can watch every weekend.
2007-02-14 16:46:20 UTC
Not a great deal at the moment, but, we have beautiful countryside, more genuine caring people than most EU countries, and even though we apparently have little water to waste, we have more rain to keep the lushness of the countryside throughout the year.
2007-02-14 13:04:18 UTC
Well, we have an absurdly sinister right-wing government, ailing health and education systems which can't possibly produce enough healthy, skilled adults for the next generation to achieve a successful economy, and we're spending millions on nuclear re-armament.

So if you want to come along to the most well-protected cultural wasteland on the planet, do come in.
Shona L
2007-02-14 07:36:22 UTC
What's great? Our bloody good sense of humour. Where else would your get the likes of Monty Python, Little Britain, League of Gents, Eddy Izzard, Jo Brand, Paul Merton... I could go on and on...not to mention the fabulous satire we produce, and our sense of self-deprecation? Oh and the BBC, which produces the best documentaries in the world. Our country may be going down the pan, but we're still laughing!
John G
2007-02-14 07:20:48 UTC
The people,we have more than our share of rogues and crooks particularly I would suspect from comments here from minority groups.We do have some great young people who unfortunately steer well clear of politics instead of participating.Those who do speak tend to extremes but do not belong.Things are changing and the Thatcher children are now beginning to learn me first and give the rest crumbs from my table does not work.They will eventually wake up and some real progress will be made.
2014-11-26 07:51:11 UTC
Well, we have an absurdly sinister right-wing government, ailing health and education systems which can't possibly produce enough healthy, skilled adults for the next generation to achieve a successful economy, and we're spending millions on nuclear re-armament.
Teenage Drama Queen
2007-02-14 09:55:34 UTC
Cant think of many good things about it, but there are a few: sometimes in summer the weather can be nice, there are some good shopping centres like the trafford centre. Ermm some of the people are nice in the united kingdom, lots of evil ones too like chavs though.
2007-02-14 20:48:28 UTC
Maybe you should ask the millions of people trying to get in to the UK legally and illegally. I would say most people want to get into the UK benefit system.
2007-02-14 07:47:09 UTC
Britain is Great, but Manchester is Greater.

It's just a term to apply to a larger area than the original Britannia (which didn't include most of Scotland).

It's not a bad place, most of the people saying they don't like it are the Daily Mail/Daily Express/Sun reading complainers,who'd complain about anything - and then usuallly blame it on immigration. Although in my opinion, the country is better now we have a more multi-cultural population.
2007-02-14 07:27:55 UTC
If you want the correct historic answer, the Great refers to the fact that the country was once inhabited by ancient celtic tribe known as "Brythons" which eventually mutated into "Britons".

Similarly occupied was the North West peninsular of France which through time became known as Brittany.

The Island of the Brythons was considerably larger than the continental land mass they occupied, so it became known as "Grand" meaning "large" or derivatives of in the Latin languages, and "Great" in English.

Its "greatness" has nothing to do with the way most people perceive it's meaning.

Though many people answer that its a hole of a place these days, anyone who has travelled extensively can tell you that it's a lot better off economically and socially than 95% of the countries you may wish to visit.

Its also "great" because we force the whole world to speak our language, which saves us making the effort with theirs!
2007-02-14 12:11:52 UTC
I'm sorry I do not feel qualified to answer this question having only lived in the UK for all of my 54 years plus and having paid my taxes (with no unemployent periods) since I left school at 16.

Suggest this question is aimed at all IMMIGRANTS - You may get your answer there, because a true Brit could not give you an honest answewr to it!!!
2007-02-14 09:08:14 UTC
The White Cliffs of Dover, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Cheddar Gorge, the Cotswolds, Rock (the town), Isambard Kingdom Brunel's legacy, our quality of life because if we can complain about things it means we have freedom of speech and things to complain about, The Clifton Suspension Bridge, Isle of Mull Cheddar (delicious), Brancaster Beach, Pinewood Shepperton Film Studios, Pall Mall and Green Park, Ben Nevis and the view from its summit, Sgwd yr Eira in Wales (a waterfall you can walk behind), a train journey over the Settle Carlise Railway, the person who ran after me and handed me my wallet that I had dropped who reaffirmed my belief there are decent people in the UK, the kids who helped my mum up when she fell over on the snow recently, Stowe School, Buckingham Palace, Silverstone at 5am on a balmy summer's morning on British Grand Prix day, Wensleydale (in fact most of Yorkshire), Alton Towers, Cornish Pasties (in Cornwall), Winstone's Ice Cream (Stroud, Gloucestershire), Nyetimber Sparkling Wine (in blind tasting, I prefer to Champagne), all those who look after children, our older generation and the sick... It may seem to many that all is falling apart, just take a moment to see what's over the fence in our own back garden...

Please add more!!!
2007-02-14 07:09:21 UTC
It has nothing to do with being great! It simply means ALL of Britain. To say Greater Britain would mean the same, as in Greater London.

However, it did used to be GREAT! In the sense of THE BEST! Sadly, not any more.
2014-07-15 16:24:59 UTC
And those Islamic extremists who LIVE here and slate Britain - why don;'t the just F*ck off back to whereever they came from if they hate it so much - I don't think they will however and leave thier 5 bedroom council houses and DSS handouts behind somehow.
2007-02-15 03:50:56 UTC
The main thing that is Great about the UK, is that the reclusive celebrated American writer and poet, Linda J Cirillo, has not been there.
2007-02-14 23:13:16 UTC
Its diversity of peoples. Its great courage in the time of conflict.It gives its people care. It is a police state (not so good). The people care about each other and what happens to each other.The papers bring the people together in contraversial and non contraversial matters. Its great for rain! (Lol). Its great for not being able to handle snow when it comes. Its great at taxing people. Its great at donating large sums for disasters. Its great for inventions...Its great for its mostly honest people. They are usually more truthful and honest than anyone else in the world.They are great for their reliability. Enough?
2007-02-14 08:32:52 UTC
I agree with David UK, we have been crippled by immigration levels, why oh why did our government not take a leaf out of Canada and New Zealand's book, and only allow people into the country that can work and be of use to us, instead of welcoming all these spongers and wasters in with open arms.
2014-06-09 18:38:53 UTC
Human Rights, Yorkshire Pudding, Edmund Blackadder; England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; unpredictable weather ensures we always have something to talk about and complain about, and politicians incapable of telling the truth ensure we always have something to mock; France within spitting distance of an ICBM; being within spitting distance of cheap booze, cigarettes and tobacco (perched precariously on the back of a croaking ICBM with do-you-know-Bill-from-London on it); Play School, Jackanory and Rainbow; women who shave their armpits and legs
Fragile Rock
2007-02-14 07:24:35 UTC
In spite of all the negativity portrayed in the news & media, I for one, wouldn't choose to live anywhere else. Yes, we do have problems, some of which can even be argued as being self-inflicted. As a citizen, I believe it's the responsibility of every individual to uphold the Greatness of the country we all call home. The fact that anyone that feels disgruntled about living here, is able to voice their opinions and is free to leave, is testament to its Greatness.
2007-02-14 08:33:42 UTC
The Great in Great Britain refers to the size of the island, not to the power of the nation, in the same way that the island of Great Cumbrae is distinguished from Little Cumbrae.

Only the Little Englanders amongst us ever thought it meant "mighty".
cian g
2007-02-14 22:58:57 UTC
I think we are using the wrong tense. We are using the present tense when really we should use the past simple.

'WHAT WAS GREAT about the uk." the honest answer is allot.

there was a hell of a lot going for the country.

but now????????? everybodys already said it for me...
2007-02-14 13:02:11 UTC
London Bridge?
Barbara Doll to you
2007-02-14 09:11:53 UTC
Great Britain is the name of the largest island in the British Isles. The one most of England, Scotland and Wales are on.
2007-02-14 07:23:30 UTC
The coastline the amazing scenery, the hills and mountains, the lakes, the old castles, the industrial architecture, the bridges, the art galleries, museums, theatres gardens, landscape, art, history,

music. Surfing, climbing, walking,caving, sailing, boating, canals rivers, and where I live great people who welcomed me into their community, tolerance, a joy of life and sense of humour.

I could go on but my typing finger is running out of ink.

Our government, taxes and pensions are rubbish, but our country is GREAT
Ian L
2007-02-15 02:15:02 UTC
The Lake district, the West highlands, Devon, The Cotswolds......... As for society i'm thinking of payin people to smuggle me out.
Jackie M
2007-02-16 04:52:19 UTC
depending what country you are in and if in Britain where abouts. Scotland is cold wet windy, no jobs, any jobs there is are basic wages. high rents council tax and full of refugees. the average wait for a council house is 10-15 years unless you are an immigrant worker. there is a lot of racial hatred and religious hatred in Scotland.
2007-02-14 18:14:12 UTC
You people make me sick, i dont know where all your national pride has gone, sure we have flaws, but we are british, and that is supposed to be something to be proud of!

I for one, am british through and through, and i am proud of it, if you dont like the place, then do something about it, stop whining about it, and try to make a difference, or, which seems like a better solution, LEAVE
2007-02-14 06:45:07 UTC
The vast history of the country, the stamina and resolve of it's people through the years, the beautiful countryside, the fashion, the charm of the pubs, the fact that so many people live on such a small island and are more connected because your not 50 little countries, the passion for sports, especially football, the music, the humor, the train system, the architecture, the art, the great advances in civilization. I hope you never forget those things.
2016-01-30 16:59:58 UTC
Anyway London has been my home since 2005 and I will be leaving in 2008. I enjoy the restaurants, the shopping, bus rides, parks etc.
2007-02-14 13:41:06 UTC
The road out of England to Scotland
2007-02-14 07:45:52 UTC
The fact you have freedom of speech. I am sure the generation of people in 1939-1945 the brave men and women had they not gone to war and stood up against an evil dictator... Well it just dosn't bear thinking of
2007-02-14 07:24:32 UTC
Not a F*cking lot unless you are an imigrant.

Oh - there is one thing - The strength of The £!!!! - Gotta love that when you're travelling outside GB.

It has gone to the dogs but this isn't down to the British Public, It's down to the hundreds of thousands of imigrants coming over and spoiling our once powerful and beautiful country.

Also Labour governant is to blame for A LOT.

And those Islamic extremists who LIVE here and slate Britain - why don;'t the just F*ck off back to whereever they came from if they hate it so much - I don't think they will however and leave thier 5 bedroom council houses and DSS handouts behind somehow.

Shut up - or ship out --- thats what I say.
free n' dating
2007-02-14 07:54:09 UTC
The weather, definitely the weather, and the prayer that the US will invade and restore good old-fashioned justice. You know, the one in which you harm someone and you're desaparecido. Unlike the old wood in our Justice "system" with their stupid looking wigs that dish out "three life sentences" (sic) but you're eligible for parole next week because we "will have reformed you!!"
2007-02-15 08:33:34 UTC
Certainly not all the chains of fast food like they have in America

Oh and yeah there aren't any yanks
2014-07-12 01:20:02 UTC
public transport that generally works; the NHS; getting over not being invited to the Boston Tea Party; mucky Abdul down the road who is willing to feed me from 5.30PM to 2AM, his brother at the shop around the corner who'll feed me from 6AM to 10PM, and his other brother who'll drive me around for a fair sum when the bus just doesn't want to run after 11.15PM; oh, and my dear old mummy and daddy (who happily feed me on a Sunday); and the British folk...
2007-02-14 07:42:36 UTC
every country is great in dif ways n every country isnt in other ways but the uk was great back when churchill was priminister,when the british people fought 2gether n not agaisnt each other.
hard as nails
2007-02-14 07:12:20 UTC

Some of you people need to lighten up a bit.

If you don't like it here go somewhere else.

Moaning about no jobs is just ridiculous. There are jobs all over the place.

Anyone who wants one can have one.

The Cities are great

The countryside is great.

Weekends are great.

Even Rugby is great at the moment.
2007-02-15 01:41:40 UTC
Being one of millions that can sit in front of PC and answer this type of question by slagging of or praising whoever we want (within reason) without being hauled of and being told what to say, it might not be great but it is FREEDOM
2007-02-14 07:33:55 UTC
UK is following in the footsteps of the USA, the two countries think they are gods gift to the planet, but we know better.

PS. has Paul H heard of yahoo violation notices, you get them when your question doesn't fit in, ending in its withdrawal
2007-02-16 15:00:34 UTC
UK- I live in Wales and i'm proud to be Welsh, we all welsh are so friendly. the only thing that spoils Wales is when the English people come here to live and try to rule us, Leave the welsh alone
2007-02-15 05:19:12 UTC
the great british seaside even in winter when the weather is cold find a good cafe and order a big mug of tea and watch the world go by,i live in eastbourne and i think its fab
2007-02-14 07:17:48 UTC
Its a great place for bent useless politicians, who for the best part of 40 years have spent their time trying to destroy it.They ease off a bit with their stupidity when the riots and fires break out though.
Peachy Girl
2007-02-14 07:09:00 UTC
It used to be Great people used to be able to be proud to say they are English but now what is the point as they aren't many of us left In the UK
2007-02-14 11:26:41 UTC
Nothing since this government decided to split it up, and ignore the wishes of the British
2007-02-14 07:59:22 UTC
britain's got brilliant music and the majority of people are lovely.

i moved here 5 years ago and have not regretted it apart from the terrible weather!

yeah the food is crap (i'm french, i should know), there are loads of chavs, people are obsessed with celebs, and house prices are ridiculous, but i don't care, i love it!!!

i've no intention of going back to france for at least another 5 years... i might even stay here permanently, who knows.

oh and the english language is fabulous :)
2007-02-15 03:44:10 UTC
not much anymore.the british people have had their customs and way of life slowly diluted by the arrival of immigrants from various countries all we have left is "englands green and pleasant land" ,which is being built on all the time to accommodate more johnny forieners!
2007-02-14 09:05:33 UTC
for heavens sake. you lot are miserable so and so's. Britain is great and not for what it has. it is great because of the british people. British people are the most tolerant people in this world. we let everybody live and let live. for heavens sake recognise the greatness of our country and cherish it and fight for it before the sods take it away.
2007-02-14 08:02:16 UTC
My goodness.............I have never seen so many negative responses about their own country..........Come on all, be positive, you have a great country and I love living here.

Who can brag more than the British about their Royal Family. Not many countries have royalty.

Chin up and appreciate it.........we could be in Iran or Irak!!!!!
2014-05-26 19:35:18 UTC
The Island of the Brythons was considerably larger than the continental land mass they occupied, so it became known as "Grand" meaning "large" or derivatives of in the Latin languages, and "Great" in English.
paul t
2007-02-15 02:44:44 UTC
Her Majesty the Queen
Simon D
2007-02-14 08:20:21 UTC
Fish and Chips, diversity of culture, black pudding and mushy peas, roundabouts (it's fun to watch our American friends navigate them), pies that are savoury, Human Rights, Yorkshire Pudding, Edmund Blackadder; England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; unpredictable weather ensures we always have something to talk about and complain about, and politicians incapable of telling the truth ensure we always have something to mock; France within spitting distance of an ICBM; being within spitting distance of cheap booze, cigarettes and tobacco (perched precariously on the back of a croaking ICBM with do-you-know-Bill-from-London on it); Play School, Jackanory and Rainbow; women who shave their armpits and legs; men who last longer than 60 seconds; a rich and diverse history; the nonproliferation of the swastika in Europe; public transport that generally works; the NHS; getting over not being invited to the Boston Tea Party; mucky Abdul down the road who is willing to feed me from 5.30PM to 2AM, his brother at the shop around the corner who'll feed me from 6AM to 10PM, and his other brother who'll drive me around for a fair sum when the bus just doesn't want to run after 11.15PM; oh, and my dear old mummy and daddy (who happily feed me on a Sunday); and the British folk...

Need I go on?
Amore vole fe
2007-02-14 17:47:02 UTC
ha ha :) nothing ;)

what is great is, that we have clean water, electricity, public facilities, parks, nhs (kind of). But the downside is, crime, graffeti, stupid laws like banning mother day cards made in schools, don't kill/harm a robber etc.

But it could be worse like living in a third world country with wars..... like africa, iraq etc
2007-02-14 15:26:29 UTC
it must be great everybody from all over Europe wants to come here , i wish it was,nt it would probably feel like England again instead of some eastern country
2007-02-14 08:47:28 UTC
the great thing about the uk is that it's got the most amazing weather, it can SNOW, RAIN AND BE SUNNY on the same day.

Not to mention the amazing history.
2007-02-14 07:52:29 UTC
The easy answer, go abroad for a few months and when You come

home again You'll know just how great it is.
Jonathan V
2007-02-14 07:25:52 UTC
The Ferry from Folkestone to Dieppe.
2007-02-14 07:41:51 UTC
The absence of George W Bush as our head of state
2007-02-14 10:59:13 UTC
Free healthcare for simple things like doctors appointments.
2007-02-14 08:10:55 UTC
have you not seen any of our countryside some of the views are breathtaking with beautiful waterfalls and forest you could pick anyware in the uk and there wil be somewhere you could go and enjoy the views you just have to open your eyes
2007-02-17 15:49:12 UTC
maybe if people shut up, stopped moaning and actually did something about the things that annoy them so much then there wouldn't be so many "problems" to complain about?

stop reading the daily mail and open your eyes!
2007-02-15 03:18:32 UTC
hey i've lived in the uk all my life (24 years) and i still don't know whats great about it
2007-02-14 10:30:42 UTC
Be proud more of you brits !

Look at these existence to the world!

Shakespeare, Beatles, soccer, british accent!!!!!!!!!

You should not belittle such great English culture.

Actually i have been yearning to Britain since i was child.

Please don't make foreigner disappointed.

im a jap.
2007-02-14 07:33:18 UTC
The best things about the UK is:

its an ease target for all the assylum seekers - genuine or otherwise. and receive state benefits, houses and other perks.

gangsters from other countries can come here to practice their vile trade without fear of retribution.
2007-02-14 12:16:52 UTC
Go and live in Iraq,Iran, South Africa and many more countries and then you will know whats great about Great Britain!!!!
2007-02-14 07:32:58 UTC
For one, the Brit's make Great Beer!
2007-02-14 12:10:50 UTC
It's native peoples of course that is what made it great and keeps it so!
2007-02-14 07:48:32 UTC
The fact that the government gives me more money on inacapacity benefit to sit on my ar se all day drinking, coz i told them i was an alcoholic
2007-02-14 07:33:51 UTC
Its great if your a prisoner you are treated like a hotel guest ,if they don't give you t.v. and playstations you can take them to court for infringing your human rights, they are all having a laugh at our expense,bring back hard labour I say.
2007-02-15 00:39:14 UTC
nothing if you are born here but if you fancy an easy ride and you come from another country then come on in the waters lovely

sorry on one of my rant subjects
2007-02-14 07:37:35 UTC
From their earliest days, the British have counted loyalty among their most cherished traits.
2007-02-14 07:16:55 UTC
A Sunday roast, especially roast beef all the trimmings and horseraddish sauce.
2007-02-14 06:58:10 UTC
I suppose the Great would be the fact that people can freely ask questions like this? Would you want to ask the same sort of question in say Liberia?

be happy
2007-02-14 09:15:37 UTC
England poor England, what happened to you, your viginity stolen, your dignity stripped bare by the invaders and now them same invaders would rape you and torture you. No stone will be left unturned by these devils from afar, no corner of this once great country will remain pure.

Damn it to hell you England, you betrayed yourself, you betrayed all your own people, you are now getting what that betrayal deserves, I hope you are happy now, as for me; I am off to live in another country, far, far away from here.

What is great about the UK.. dont make me laugh, its a dustbin now.
Chianti Man
2007-02-14 08:06:42 UTC
No longer Great, so I thing we should just call it Britain.
2007-02-14 07:49:35 UTC
If everyone stopped Moaning and put something into the uk that might help. the place would be better.
2007-02-14 07:26:44 UTC
It's the only country in the world that will let anyone in !!!! Great !
shally schumacher
2007-02-14 07:16:06 UTC
patriotism for a start.

Monarchy, The Navy, Helping USA out when they decide to fight illegal wars! Better leaders than most, NHS (Sometimes!!), And FISH AND CHIPS Mmmmmmmmmmm
2007-02-14 07:03:20 UTC
Oh come on Brits, you can be little less harsh on yourself!!


polite people (not passionate or anything, but definitely polite)

london nightlife

some great restaurants in London

and boozing- in no other country an alcholic can get by without knowing it.
2007-02-14 14:08:41 UTC
God is the only one who has made it great and still does thank you
2007-02-14 17:56:15 UTC
because it is the best and greatest country in the world unlike the USA which is cr*p
2007-02-14 14:20:15 UTC
Our currency..... the Pounds & Pence........ one of the greatest & most historic still in existance:

The scenery, especially up here in Yorkshire

Architecture of places such as:

- Westminster Abbey / Big Ben / Houses of Parliament

- Tower Bridge

- York Minster

- St. Paul's Cathedral (London)

- St. Mary's Church + nearby Historic ruins of Whitby Abbey

- This spot in York I'm ain't sure what it is:

- St. Pancras Railway station in London, possibly the world's most OTT attempt at building a Train station:

Various legendary comedy shows & comedians, such as

- Billy Connolly

- Monty Python's Flying Circus

- Fawlty Towers

- Dad's Army

- Last of the Summer Wine (the world's longest running sitcom)

- Only Fools & Horses

- One Foot in the Grave

- Steptoe & Son

- Keeping up Appearances

Food & Drinks, including:

- Green & Blacks Chocolate

- Fentiman's Botanically Brewed softdrinks

- Cadbury's Chocolate

- Newcastle Brown Ale

- HP Sauce

- Fish & Chips

- Indian derived foods (so good their sold back to India), such as "Tikka Masala", "Korma" + Brands like "Pataks", etc

- Twinings Tea

- Jaffa Cakes

The London Stock exchange, one of the world's most important Stock Exchanges + there's quite a few British companies listed on Wikipedia's list of world's largest companies, including:

- BP Oil (world's 4th Largest company)

- Aviva Insurance (#28)

- TESCO (#36)

- The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (#58)

- Barclays Bank (#64)

- GlaxoSmithkline (#67)

- BHP Billiton (#84)

- Anglo American PLC mining (#92)

- AstraZeneca (#101)

- Alliance-Unichem PLC (#114)

- BAE Systems PLC (#123)'s_largest_companies

Then of course there are sh*tloads of things that were invented by UK Inventors, such as:


- Penicillin

- The World-Wide-Web

- Disc Brakes

- Television

- The Electro-magnet

- Railways

- The fax machine

- The Jet engine

+ various other things I can't be a*sed to list

Iconic vehicles, such as:

The Mini

The Land Rover Series I / II / III / Defender

Aston Martin

- DB4 / DB5

- DB7

- DB9

- Vantage


- E Type

- XJ220

McLaren F1....... the world's fastest ever road car until the recent arrival of the Bugatti Veyron (which uses a gearbox designed by RICARDO, a british engineering company).

Lotus Elise / Exige / Esprit / 7, etc

Virtual ALL the major Formula1 teams are based in the UK, including:

- McLaren

- Renault

- Williams

- Honda

- Cosworth (engine builder in F1 + IndyCar, etc)

- Ricardo Engineering (do various pieces of design consultancy)

MALLARD, the World's fastest steam locomotive - UK built

The SAS..... the world's best special forces unit on which all the others are based on:

The Royal Air Force (RAF)

The RAF Red Arrows - The world's best military aerobatics team
2007-02-14 08:23:07 UTC
Whats great is the fact that we can kick this Labour government out at election time,and hopefully put the "Great" back into Britain!!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-14 07:24:01 UTC
cant really put my finger on it at the moment cant find much to say good about it. i would love to move to Greece but my husband wont love says he loves Britain
Dj' s
2007-02-14 07:19:57 UTC
Britain is a Great place it's just the odd **** that spoils it for the rest of us!
2007-02-14 09:23:01 UTC
It must be the fantastic Government leaders we have!!! Ha Ha
2007-02-14 12:39:54 UTC
just being British is great
2007-02-14 10:40:00 UTC
Ther's no supposed about it, 'IT IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE

WORLD' Freedom of speech like you have. If you don't like it LEAVE, if you

don't live here don't bother coming. IT's as simple as that, we have enough

2007-02-14 07:03:06 UTC
Jaffa cakes, the parks, the wild-life, the baskets in spring and Summer lovely and best of all you can play in the mud all year long. What fun:)))
2007-02-15 05:14:22 UTC
It opens it's doors to lets crap in and milk it dry I dont think your patiotic
2007-02-14 12:52:17 UTC
fuk all full of immigrants.stop benifits like other european countries. bring back borstal.all school kids having kids .. take them off them.dont take jobs give them no benifit...stop 6th form. how come they cant read and write the countrys ****
2007-02-14 08:04:03 UTC
ha ha ha ha

I just laugh because if I say what I think I'll get reported, so I better keep it to myself!

crazy (for posting this here) you have a death wish ?
2007-02-14 07:15:24 UTC
We used to be called GREAT BRITAIN, now it is the DIS-UNITED KINGDOM. Great shame as we were once so proud of all we stood for and we had belief in ourselves.
2007-02-14 07:14:49 UTC
It's great that you can sneak your way in easily, claim asylum, get a nice comfy house from the council, use our health service, be educated at our expense, claim loads of benefits and the great part is .......................... if ANYONE dares criticise you for doing this you can shout RACISM and a whole new bunch of people come to your aid . The gov't will even buy you a car then to get to work or take the kids to school - in case you get bullied on the bus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody disgusting !!!
2007-02-14 07:06:59 UTC
The NHS, the citizens advice bureau and the countryside.
2007-02-14 05:48:28 UTC
Well perhaps if you are American you should actually be grateful for us inventing your country. You could say that that is what is great about us. Don't forget that most Americans at the time of the Civil War were actually very proud British Citizens, unfortunately we tended to ignore them and tax them too high. That is why you wanted independence, and that alone.
2007-02-14 07:37:49 UTC
Sod all! rip off Britain!
2007-02-14 12:27:02 UTC
Great means BIG too.
2007-02-14 11:29:06 UTC
This Labour government!!! And I am joking so don't thumb me down

Thanks for being so kind!
2007-02-16 09:33:04 UTC
Little Britain !!! and dairy milk, nm else
2007-02-14 07:34:42 UTC
Not a lot. That's why I don't live there any more and go back as infrequently as possible.
2007-02-14 06:37:45 UTC
We do have some great architecture and some lovely people here its just that most of the time in the news our pm and select minority areas and certain groups of people are dickheads. But most of us are ok.
2007-02-15 03:03:29 UTC
the brown sauce mate
Stephen P
2007-02-14 10:12:31 UTC
Mark k
2007-02-14 09:40:09 UTC
music and football, we have the best in the world.
2007-02-14 07:07:35 UTC
We live in the temperate zone.This means our winters are mild and are summers are fairly warm.
jupiter FIVE
2007-02-14 08:18:57 UTC
what is "supposed to be great" supposed to mean?

it is great!
Simon C
2007-02-14 07:39:28 UTC
Fern Cotton....sigh...
2007-02-14 07:23:45 UTC
the best thing about England is knowing that the Americans will never be like us
2007-02-15 01:02:03 UTC
are you mad.

theres errrmmmmm and errrrrrr

oh yeah thats why I left
2007-02-14 08:08:54 UTC
being i the european union has brought this country down by saying that we have to have more immigrants than any country belonging to the eu,has we have free health care etc what happens when no brits are left alive what will the immigrants do then when all there free money stops.
alan r.
2007-02-14 07:25:30 UTC
Nothing anymore,sadly..
Lisa H
2007-02-14 09:00:16 UTC
You know you love it really. If you don't like it then emergrate!
Heather H
2007-02-14 08:54:33 UTC
There is nothing "Great" about Britain, which is why I want to leave.
james e
2007-02-14 07:54:20 UTC
its high taxes and scroungers. nothing mate dont come here
2007-02-14 07:39:49 UTC
Nothing really...It's all in the name.
2007-02-14 07:07:12 UTC
NOTHING. It is going down the pan. I have been here for 11 years and it is getting worse and worse. It is so politcally correct over immigrants its suffocating. Even Big Brother became a massive issue. Now that BB martyr is making millions! So, unless you are an immigrant and pretend you can't speak English you will have a **** life and will keep working to pay dole money to scroungers! Makes me so cross!!!
2007-02-14 19:01:12 UTC
It's your fish and chips.
2007-02-14 08:09:44 UTC
might be great to all other nationality,s that come to get what-ever they want for free. Then if they dont get it they shout racism and then get twice as much
2007-02-14 08:15:25 UTC
Its been brought to its knees by the lazy english jealous that some people actually want to come to this country and do some work.
warren t
2007-02-14 09:55:27 UTC
i live there
2007-02-14 03:49:52 UTC
I agree with tucksie. Australia is also supposed to be good, if you can get in.

I guess we do have a 'free' health service and 'freedom' of speech. And a supposed democracy where the Government don't listen to 1.8m people protesting in the streets of London about a war we didn't want.

They say the level of imigration is OK because of the number of people emigrating - well that's just catch 22! The more of them that come here, the more of us that leave!

Compared to other countries, our cities are dirty, buildings in really bad state of repair, rubbish all over the place (except where poor buggers have to sweep it up in the town centres) and an increase in the part of the population that are stuck in poverty (and don't seem to want to get jobs). They are also the ones who seem to have no respect for anyone or anything and are the main source of the rubbish....yep, it's all going to the dogs.
2007-02-14 08:35:57 UTC
2007-02-14 07:44:46 UTC
Nothing they are the most ignorant,obnocious, murdering, raping pillaging bastards that i have ever come across. They are the lowest form of a human being possible that ever graced this universe.

Go on home british soldiers go home have ye got no ******* home of your own,

For eight hundred year we fought ye with out fear and ye fight ye for eight hundred more
2007-02-14 07:35:29 UTC
how much time have i got to think about it.
2007-02-14 07:16:51 UTC
Great big pints of lager!!!
2007-02-14 07:04:27 UTC
land of milk and honey for those who have not been here
2007-02-14 12:16:26 UTC
2007-02-14 10:20:36 UTC
sweet FA.
2007-02-14 06:48:40 UTC
Stiff upper lip.
2007-02-14 06:35:08 UTC
Hey dotty dog is great and all your other Great British Yahoo friend are thats what........
2007-02-14 08:11:05 UTC
I live there, isn't that enough?
Michael H
2007-02-14 06:39:33 UTC
All your questions seem to be about women and smokers.

We have lots of them, why, whats your problem Fiona ?
2007-02-14 03:37:29 UTC
The Great comes from Great Britain. The UK, is the United Kingdom. Do you have a problem about it then??? Where are YOU from ???
2007-02-14 09:29:04 UTC
absolutely nothing.
2007-02-14 07:09:44 UTC
well if you have to ask, i'd say you dont deserve to be here
2007-02-14 06:36:25 UTC
the great went out of britain some years ago
2007-02-14 03:53:12 UTC
Mmmmm Have no Idea....Unless of course you are an immigrant and it's great, Pop along get yourself a nice house, and rent and stuff paid, a new mobile phone on then get your self down the Cashpoint (DSS for UK residents) and ask the nice man for some cash to buy a new car! So while there quality of life gets better the UK people who paid in the system for years, get sh*t on and pay higher tax's! Mmmmm so depends where you come from if your an outsider UK is great, one big hand out, if you a local, is sh*t!!!
2007-02-14 10:20:21 UTC
we have snow patrol yay!
2007-02-14 12:04:23 UTC
I'm here!
Suze B
2007-02-14 08:24:58 UTC
Yes, me, me ,me,me and did I mention me :-)
2007-02-14 03:38:02 UTC
Maybe only the "Great" in "Great Britain"? ;-)
2007-02-14 07:44:55 UTC
Nope, Can't think of a thing!!!!!!!!!!!
Richard B
2007-02-14 23:32:35 UTC
2007-02-14 07:00:45 UTC
nothing at all...i wonder what im doing here myself!!!!
2007-02-14 06:36:23 UTC
Yes its a great place to emigrate from.I did.
2007-02-14 03:36:30 UTC
Ummmmm.... The rain? Where else could you go and get as much as we do.
2007-02-14 13:25:30 UTC
2007-02-14 06:51:19 UTC
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland,( thats the correct name for the country), is a fantastic place. We have the best and most proffesional, and most feared fighting force on the planet, and then we have the very best and most feared special forces on the planet. We help every other bastard nation on this poxy planet and never ask for anything in return. We let immigrants walk in the country and make their own laws up. In fact were a **** place to live, Except the Army of course, lets get the Army back on our soil and cleanse Britain, establish a Tory rule ,then this will be a great place to live.
2007-02-14 09:40:59 UTC

MOVE TO AMERICa OR MIAMI OR CALAFORNIA OR L.A!!! yeah l.a And ROCK YOUT HEAD OF (while having a party duh)
Adrian T
2007-02-14 03:49:05 UTC
The powerful British Pound (£) (GBP)
2007-02-14 14:26:45 UTC
2007-02-14 06:53:28 UTC
2007-02-14 06:38:24 UTC
Legally we still give assholes like you the right to ask stupid questions!
Edward W
2007-02-14 06:37:53 UTC
The fact that i'm hear and i rule !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
2007-02-14 06:44:09 UTC
I can tell you the NOT so great about UK.....





the list goes on and on...blah blah blah!!!!
2007-02-14 06:37:22 UTC
NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-14 03:39:10 UTC
In my opinion there is nothing great about the U.K
2007-02-14 03:39:04 UTC
There's nothing great, most of the country is in poverty and sewerage runs down the streets. There is no work and pubs are closing by the 1000s, smoking is banned and the place is full of scrounging aliens. Go to France it's much better.
2007-02-14 06:45:00 UTC
there are no AMERICANS. ok we might have illegal immegrants but i would rather give them a job than an overweight, sweaty, rude and ugly yank.

thanks for the question ive been dying to say that
Not Ecky Boy
2007-02-14 06:31:58 UTC
The Islamic Republic of Englistan?
2007-02-14 03:42:31 UTC
GOOD QUESTION.......There's absolutely nothing!!
2007-02-14 03:38:03 UTC
no sorry, cant think of anything!
david UK
2007-02-14 03:37:33 UTC
there is nothing great about the UK anymore,it has been brought to its knees by immigrants,,AND IT LOOKS LIKE 32 IMMIGRANTs HAS GIVEN A THUMBS DOWN

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