What if Israel was created in Scotland?
2009-01-20 04:37:02 UTC
What if it was not Palestine? This is a hypothetical question. Please read the whole thing before answering.

In 1917 British foreign secretary issued the Balfour declaration to the Zionist Federation to establish a national home for the Jews in Scotland. Zionist Jews started emigrating to Scotland. This emigration increased significantly with the rise of Nazism and anti-Semitism in Europe. The Jews in Scotland increased from 8% to 33% of the population. The UN voted in 1947 to partition Scotland about 50/50 between the Jews and the Scots. At that time the Jews owned 7% of the land, and the Scots owned the rest. The Scottish people rejected the deal and war broke out. However, the Zionists had planned for this war and were well prepared, so they defeated the Scots and occupied most of Scotland and ethnically cleansed most of the Scots from that area. They then passed a law that grants Israeli citizenship for any Jew in the world who emigrates to Israel. However, none of the Scottish refugees were allowed to return.

Many of the Scots were displaced to the Northwest Highlands. The majority became refugees in England, Ireland and France. The new Israel gave Israeli citizenship to the remaining Scots and gave them voting rights claiming that they were the best democracy in Europe. However those Scots were not allowed to own land, or bring their refugee relatives to visit them. The few Scottish towns that remained received very poor service from the Israeli government. The ethnically cleansed Scottish towns were renamed with Hebrew names and occupied by new arriving Zionist settlers.

In 1967 Israel attacked the Northwest Highlands and occupied it resulting in the displacement of more Scots. Some Scots fought back to regain their land, but they were called terrorists. Israel blamed England for not granting citizenships to the Scottish refugees and blamed France and Ireland for keeping the Scots in refugee camps. Peace negotiations started in 1993 to reach a peace treaty by 1999 based on a 2-state solution where the Scots can establish their state in the Northwest Highlands, and Israel gets the rest. The Scots have to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state over that part in return. Israel gave civil control of populated areas of the Northwest Highlands to the Scots in the meantime.

During that time, Israel continued building illegal settlements in the Northwest Highlands and implemented a blockade on Scottish controlled parts of the Northwest Highlands, often cutting electricity, fuel, gas and even food and medicine, which resulted in the death of hundreds of Scots. The excuse for the blockade was that Scottish resistance movements kept on firing on the illegal settlers in the Northwest Highlands and the rest of Scotland. Israel also kept on assassinating tens of political and resistance leaders of the Scots and put thousands more in jail. Even though the resistance of the Scottish people was poorly armed and weak, and had not caused any casualties in Israel for many months, Israel decided to teach them a lesson they would not forget, so they invaded the Northwest Highlands with all their might killing more than a thousand Scots and destroying most of the Northwest Highlands infrastructure.

With the new president in the US, he will try to broker a peace agreement based on a 2-state solution. Israel says they want to keep the settlements in the Northwest Highlands, and give up an equivalent area of their choice in Israel (rest of Scotland) in return. The Northwest Highlands will be renamed to Scotland. Also to be on the safe side, Israel wants to maintain control of access to the new Scotland in any final solution just in case the Scots may try to arm themselves or become a competing power to Israel. Several parties in Israel including prominent members of the current government call for the transfer (expulsion) of the remaining Scots in Israel to the Northwest Highlands because they are not loyal to their country (Israel).

What do you suggest as the solution to the Israel/Scotland conflict?

If you are not familiar with Scotland, you can refer to this map of Scotland.
Eleven answers:
2009-01-20 15:43:41 UTC
I think you've made a lot of good points.

I asked a question the other day about what would have happened if Britain had cut off all supplies to Ireland because of the IRA's actions. It seems most people are so fixated with their own viewpoint that they won't even consider alternatives.

At the end of the day, thousands of innocent people are dying. That should be our number 1 focus.


I'm the president of my University's Amnesty International Society. They are currently running a Gaza crisis campaign, asking for the violence and death of civilians to stop.

If you'd like to know more about their perspective (they do not take sides) then look at
2016-05-23 06:15:02 UTC
Alright, apparently there are a lot of problems with all those answers. The easiest way to solve this is to look up wiki or even google it. As of right now, Israel is the official name for the country. if someone wants to get into fights about who is conquering who... Then the 'americans' will have to leave america to the native americans. Point is, its the terrorists that are trying to get Israel to become smaller since israel is still giving up land to them. (West bank, Gaza) But to answer the question. Its israel for now unless something drastic happens and someone does end up bombing the whole of the middle east and destroying everyone in it, the innocent and the guilty.
Cher and Cher alike
2009-01-20 06:29:48 UTC
Of course there are faults. There already was a Scotland.

The Arab problem with Israel isn't that there was a Palestine or palestinians. There wasn't!!! It's that they wanted to build a greater Muslim Arab empire in the region. When they say "stolen" they mean from ruling the whole area. Ask the Kurds, they are having the same problem getting self rule.

A PA spokesperson said the other day on the news "We when live peacefully when the Jews learn their place. When they agree to live under Muslim rule, there will be peace." And this is old, old news, it's on Arabs sites & in their literature now & in the past. It's in the PLO & Hamas charters.

So when your example includes that the British won't be happy until all of the Island is theirs and their complaint is that a subset of population already there Jews or in this case Scots, may not have self-rule, then we'll be talking. BTW, the Scots did have a problem with Britans ruling them -- & their cultures are similar. If Scots import more Scots, big deal.

I don't have time to read your whole saga, but you are ignoring several facts. One is that the greater empire ideology is the key.

The other is that the total land for settlements is less than 5% of the available land in the terroritories & most of that is suburbs of Jersusalem so it's a lame excuse & nothing more.

And that Israel already voted to give up the terroritoires, they just won't do it when every time they withdraw the Arabs take that compromise as weakeness & proof that their violence worked, so they up the violence.

Your are describing the PR party line of the radical right wing Arabs who want Israel destroyed. I've said it & I'll say it again. There are Arabs who want to live in peace. They see value in keeping Israel. It does no good for them to support the PR myths of those Arabs who are the most hateful & violent in the region. That's how you get a Hamas gang running Gaza & killing any Gazan who speaks against them (500 Fatah the first year of their takeover.)

Watch Hamas's view & tell me it's not about Jews in general, & building their own empire -- it doesn't include freedom for anyone who disagrees with them, Arab or otherwise:
The angels have the phone box.
2009-01-20 06:39:34 UTC
Your continued creative attempts to 'translate' this situation to other countries suggests that the heart of this is indeed an 'Arab problem' (*YOUR* words, not mine).

Scotland's history is typical enough, full of clashes between peoples and changes in the identity/affiliation of the leadership. Today we recognize and celebrate its multiple cultures, from the Hebrides to the Highlands to Shetland to Orkney to the NE to the central belt to the Borders.

Israel has an even greater diversity. Why is it too much to ask that it be allowed to exist in peace?

Scotland might want independence, but we're not trying to hurry along Judgement Day by killing English people or trying to 'push [England] into the sea'. We're certainly willing to share, to co-exist. Why won't your people?
Ambi valent
2009-01-20 15:47:43 UTC
Since you assure us there are no faults with your question (just as you did when you asked the near-identical question concerning Australia), there's little point my attempting to give you a full answer (as I did on your Australia question). You clearly only want answers which agree with you, which confirm your view of Jews and Israel.

Since it looks to me as if your question is full of faults and that you have failed to understand some key issues, are unwilling to think outside your box, and don't want real answers, your question would in fact be better defined as a rant.
Golden Autumn Oomevarukh
2009-01-20 10:18:13 UTC
Israel was reestablished exactly where the Torah, Tanakh, and New Testament describe it. My particular bible is over one hundred years old, and it has maps in it. Israel was renamed 60 years ago. No matter how you slice it, this conflict has a fated outcome, and God's word does not go back to him void.
2009-01-20 04:54:52 UTC
I would suggest to move Israel to Israel, where it belongs, after all, if Israel hadn't been created where it is now, the area would be just another neglected part of Jordan, with very small Arab population.

Seriously, don't you get tired of dictating the history of your bizarro world?

There are so many differences between the situation you describe and the real world, that any conclusion would be totally irrelevant to the current situation.
2009-01-20 06:45:12 UTC
You would probably be able to get a Kosher Haggis, which would be piped in with bagpipes and violin. Tartan Kippahs would be popular.
2009-01-20 06:20:23 UTC
That would be the Clan Maccabi.
2009-01-20 07:07:40 UTC
Of course, pro-israelis will - as usual - dodge the question.

But that speaks louder than anythig else.
✡mama pajama✡
2009-01-20 07:10:04 UTC
Is there ANY category of Yahoo Answers that is not being hijacked with propagandizing rants disguised as questions to be used to incite hate to Israel and Jews?

Your fictional “history”with Scotland replacing the British Mandate of Palestine is nothing but deceptive propaganda trying to justify the elimination of the legitimate State of Israel, formed by more legal means than the majority of the countries that now exist. There simply is not enough space to address each fallacy you pose above, but I will address facts that are readily verifiable from reputable sources.

More than 67 percent of the land that was declared the State of Israel in 1948 had been purchased with legal deeds over the course of more than a hundred years. This is verifiable fact with objective evidence to support it.

I believe in the Declaration of Human Rights that gives every nation people the legitimate right to establish self-governance and self-determination.

Every nation people has a beginning, a homeland. For the Jews, Israel is that land. It is a part of the very identity of the covenant nation, our eternal tie to the land of our patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to our mothers, Sarah, Rivkah and Rachel.

The modern state of Israel does not need to base it’s legitimacy on a belief of promise from God, even though many quite mistakenly claim that is it’s only reason for legitimacy. For centuries, Jews had been working to reestablish the national homeland through legitimate means and the course of the development of the state of Israel certainly reflects this process. The hard-earned efforts of Israel to gain statehood stand as an honorable example, if people would study it, rather than the often so bizarre it borders on insane propaganda spread about it. The facts invalidate the charges by extremist voices who would attempt to negate the right of the nation people, Israel to exist in the home LAND of Israel.

Israel's status as a legitimate, democratic nation state today depends as much if not more so on the process of law and adherence to protocol that it took to form the state for it's nation people according to the UN Definitions and how it indeed, became a legitimate state legally recognized by the UN Charter, to take it's legitimate place in the council of nations. It exists as legitimately as the United States of America or any other member nation. The Jewish people had been working to reestablish sovereignty in the homeland centuries before the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America had been proclaimed against Britain.

No other nation on the planet would have been as restrained as Israel has been in trying to protect its very existence for 60 years of onslaught. Israel dedicated itself to working with the nations surrounding it to establish a peaceful Middle East in its Declaration of Independence. Look at the charters for Hamas and for the PLO. They contain direct statements dedicated to genocidal elimination of Israel. Only when their desire to build a nation in peace is greater than their desire to destroy Israel will they live and work toward that peace. Israel is ready.

The focus must be on stopping the efforts to eliminate Israel and to support efforts to achieve statehood for Palestine, integrate the refugees into a Palestinian nation, support the nations that now house refugees to help them become self-sufficient and grant them legal status! Going into a fourth generation as political pawns is ENOUGH! (Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Egypt are all where the world's focus for the pitiable status of their refugees should have been all along)

I have seen photographs of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon with captions that lay direct blame on their CONDITION to ISRAEL as if Israel could control how they are being abused and used by their Muslim Arab brethren as propaganda tools and pawns! Where are the many millions of dollars that Arafat confiscated that should have been used for their benefit? Where are the 22 Muslim nations reaching out to their brethren? Would they rather continue to use them to destroy Israel than build their own Palestinian nation that should have existed already for 60 years? AT least this is the message it gives to the world at large, IF and WHEN that message is not continually drowned out with the cry of "Israeli aggression and oppression".

Who is funding their education? Oslo and Wye accords anyone? US tax dollars have spent billions there and continue to fund the education of many of those who have strapped bombs to themselves in "desperation"

What kind of education are they getting there if they are being taught the lie that Israel “took” more than 70 percent of Palestine? Jordan was created from 82 percent of Palestine!

Israel is a legitimate state whose nation and has a legitimate right to exist. The Palestinian people exist and deserve a state; they are a people without a legitimate state right now ONLY because more effort has been spent to demonize Israel than help THEM! Recognizing this reality and having Israeli and Palestinian work side by side to solve this is the only solution I can see.

Fabrications of an agenda that Israel and the Jews are out to conquer the world or have stolen land or usurped a native people must stop. Your credibility can only be restored when you stop the misinformation.

A very sad testament to humanity is that Israel is being demonized for EXISTING and the Palestinian refugees and their descendents have been used as PAWNS and manipulated in the name of Allah to see Israel as their oppressors rather than see the reality that it is their own surrounding nations that are doing this to them!

This is a quote from the first UN information link below: The first portion refers to the more than 800,000 Jews whose property was confiscated and who were expelled from 14 Arab countries in the years 48-53.

"While Jewish refugees from Arab countries received no international assistance, Palestinians received millions of dollars through UNRWA. Initially, the United States contributed $25 million and Israel nearly $3 million. The total Arab pledges amounted to approximately $600,000. For the first 20 years, the United States provided more than two-thirds of the funds, while the Arab states continued to contribute a tiny fraction. Israel donated more funds to UNRWA than most Arab states. The Saudis did not match Israel's contribution until 1973; Kuwait and Libya, not until 1980. As recently as 1994, Israel gave more to UNRWA than all Arab countries except Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Morocco.

The United States is still by far the organization's largest contributor, donating nearly $90 million in 2000, approximately 31 percent of the organization's $293 million in receipts. Meanwhile, for all their rhetorical support for the Palestinians, the Arab states contributed only 2 percent of the UNRWA budget.7"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.