Foods okay. I love food we have lots of cultural food chinese, indian, mexican and italian as well as british foods sunday roast, pot roast, sausages and mash. I'm a big lover of Mexican food though.
The people are all right where I live. But just like any country you get the ignorant people, stupid people, mean people and other types of people you get in all kind of places.
School. The only part of school I enjoy is lunch and break time because I get to talk to my friends but in my school (I'm 15 years old) we have 5 periods which last an hour each. School starts at 8:40am for me and ends at 3:20 pm but it can vary between schools. I used to have PE twice a week but when I got Year 10 (14-15 years old) we got to choose our lessons but I still have to do PE once a week unless you choose it as a subject but if you choose it as a subject it is sometimes theory work.
Your in school from 3-16 if you go to Nursery and 4-16 if you don't but most children go to Nursery. We then have 6th from (16-18) which optional until NEXT YEAR so my year which is year 11 (15-16) is the LAST year who gets to decide if they want to go to 6th form or college or finish with eduction all together but after us you have to continue with education until 18. But some Nurseys except children as young as 5 months for working parents. I went to a playground from when I was around 2 because my mum had to work.
Cars are cars just like Americans.
Houses generally cost around £250,000 but my mum got our house a 3 bedroom in an all right area for £160,000 when the recession hit so got our house quite cheap as the original price was £200,000.
The weather today has been crap! It's been raining and my hair has been ruined! Which sucks because I have my school photos on Monday and I just straightened it so I wouldn't have to wake up early. I wake up at 7:00am and leave the house at 8am and get to school about half 8.
But weather has been windy, cold and rainy in London.
I don't know how it's better then the US I've only been to NYC when I was like 6 to visit family and don't remember much.
But around 85% of our TV is American e.g my fave shows our Gossip Girls, The Hills, Teen Mom, The Vamp Diaries, Keeping up with the Kardashians well most shows on E! and Desperate Housewives so life might be kind of similar but with different accents and ways such as we have free health care the NHS.
But yeah I enjoy living in England.