Do the scottish hate the english?
2009-08-27 17:43:06 UTC
and why?
Fourteen answers:
2009-08-27 17:50:48 UTC

Historically, Scotland was a separate country (actually, a collection of kingdoms and fiefdoms), but it was dominated and overrun by English forces.

It really became a separate unified country when the Roman Army failed to take it over, gave up and constructed a wall across all of England (Hadrian's wall) to prevent the Scottish Hordes from getting in. Until then, I don't think the Scottish hordes even thought of themselves as a single entity.

In any case, they organized, and over the years have been attacked numerous times and taken over and ultimately become members of the United Kingdom when the Parliaments agreed to combine around 1707.

Of course, that was hundreds of years ago, and being a part of the United Kingdom isn't really all that bad, but every time someone in Scotland sees the crown do something they don't like, they threaten succession.

This is as likely as Texas succeeding from the United States. Great to talk about, but if it did, it would be the economic end of it.

At this point, I think the hatred is at the level of rugby teams, not slicing each other's throats as they drive up and down the M1.
2009-08-30 09:51:27 UTC
There are more Scots living in England than left in Scotland although they all have a Scottish address ( mums place usually.) These "Scots" are part of the general mix that makes up the "English" who are multicultural and very tolerant. Those that never strayed from their Welsh village, Irish homestead or Glasgow tenement cater with their deep fears of the big wide world by believing in tribal superiority and spit feathers for anyone not like them...including fellow provincial inhabitants! Try asking a Glasgow Oik what they think of Edinburgh, just along the railway East. They also have no idea of the huge range of people that make up the English and have a garbled mythological story of the history of these islands, constantly adjusted to reinforce their sad beliefs of hate. Go see BRAVEHEART for an example.
2009-08-28 12:15:12 UTC
The Scottish dislike the English with a passion.
2009-08-28 00:57:09 UTC
No. The Scottish people do not hate. They are too aware of the greatness in all things.

Once upon a time the Scots thought well of the English as we all consider ourselves to be British and so together. However England has shown itself to think only England is Britain. Thereby creating the illusion England is better than. The Scot has a different sense of humour to the English. The english person laughs at the disadvantages of others, the Scot laughs at his/her own defaults.
2009-08-28 23:05:35 UTC
You've got that the wrong way round pal - its the English who 'hate' the Scots.

Dont you know..the English think we're a nation of parasites, none of us work, dont pay taxes..and we get everything, but everything..absolutely free!

P.S. You'll notice I've done an 'Angel' there and decided to speak for the whole of England, even though I'm a Scot :o)

Seriously - personally no! , hatred is a useless waste of precious energy - and there are far more important things in my life than the English :o)
Debbie C
2009-08-28 09:39:27 UTC
I'm scottish and i don't hate the english, but as with everywhere there are always a minority who give everyone else a bad reputation.
2009-08-28 01:01:03 UTC
Hi i am scottish but that`s only being born in scotland ,as my parents were english,and my answer to your Q like i answer evey1s Q you have asked, is that we are all god`s children and i don`t hate the english.
of highland clan Mackenzie
2009-08-28 07:35:17 UTC
oh let's see edward I took the stone of scone and form 1296 to about 1575 there was many battles and also for 36 years after 1746 gealic and the kilt was bannded and the clan system destoryed and the the highland clearnaces form 1746 to 1822 and the disarmig of the clans in 1716 and form 1747 the laird no longer ruled the clan and bagpipes were banned 11 years and gealic for the most part as only about 80,000 in scotland and 2,300 in Nova scotia and many scots were forced off thier land if they did not join the british army. I am a scot born in cananda
Ahoy there
2009-08-29 23:04:39 UTC
I think pretty much everyone hates the English don't they?

I am English by the way - and proud :)
2009-08-29 20:25:43 UTC
iam scottish & no i dont hate the english why should i aren't we all british
go on ya good ting!!!
2009-08-28 00:52:33 UTC
being honest any scot iv met has hated last boyfriend was scottish and did not have much nice to say.......
2009-08-28 21:15:42 UTC
Yes, because we used to beat them up all the time.
United at the rear
2009-08-28 01:03:46 UTC
Yes, why? google culloden and glencoe
мιѕѕ яιиgσ
2009-08-28 00:52:02 UTC
They absolutely hate each other.

Some reasons in the far past i guess.

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